Drought-resistant crops, groundbreaking communications technology and the most comprehensive analysis of Western music ever written are just some of the contributions that this year’s Kyoto Prize Laureates have made to the advancement of global knowledge and society.
On Tuesday 8 and Wednesday 9 May, plant physiologist Dr Graham Farquhar, semiconductor engineer Dr Takashi Mimura, and musicologist Dr Richard Taruskin will take the stage of second Kyoto Prize at Oxford hosted by the Blavatnik School of Government.
While the second day (9 May) is designed for the Laureates will engage with students and faculty across the University of Oxford, the first day (8 May) will be the chance for members of the public globally to get involved. Each Laureate will give a public lecture, offering an insight into both their work and their lives, reflecting on the successes and challenges of their illustrious careers. These inspiring talks are free and open to all, and there are still some spaces available.
Remote participation is encouraged as all three talks will be livestreamed, with the opportunity to ask questions through www.slido.com (find each lecture by searching for #farquhar #mimura #taruskin) The programme is as follows – please click on each link to see the details and register.
Adventures across disciplines: studying biophysics, and observing the shaping of policies
Public Lecture by Dr Graham Farquhar, 2017 Laureate for Basic Sciences
Tuesday 8 May, 9.30am
My fifty years with the transistor
Public Lecture by Dr Takashi Mimura, 2017 Laureate for Advanced Technology
Tuesday 8 May, 11.45am
How to win a Stalin Prize: Shostakovich’s Piano Quintet
Public Lecture by Dr Richard Taruskin, 2017 Laureate for Arts and Philosophy, with a performance by the Villiers Quartet and Jeremy Young, piano
Tuesday 8 May, 3.00pm